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Salon Event ! Japanese Drawing ! June 11(Sat.)


Japanese drawing   June 11(Sat.)  14:00~16:00
鳥獣戯画を描こう!  6月11日(土) 14:00~16:00
Choju-giga (Animal Caricatures) is a scroll painting in ink, which is a national treasure belonging to Kozan-ji, Kyoto. Especially, it is famous for the anthropomorphically described animals including rabbits, frogs and monkeys. It is also called “the Japanese oldest manga” since it was drawn from the 12nd to 13rd century. Would you like to try drawing one with a calligraphy pen?
鳥獣戯画は京都市の高山寺に伝わる墨画の絵巻物で国宝です。特にウサギ・カエル・サルなどが擬人化して描かれているところが有名です。12世紀 - 13世紀に描かれたことにより「日本最古の漫画」とも称されています。筆ペンを使って一緒に描いてみませんか?
Free of charge and no reservation required. Feel free to join us !

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