Event Calendar

Date&Time Title Venue Content Note (How to apply)
10.14 Sat 

SICPF Programs

Free Professional Consultation for Foreign Residents
Venue: Sapporo International Communication Plaza (Sapporo MN Bldg. 3F, Kita 1-jo Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku)
Online Consultation via Zoom is also available.
Lawyers, administrative procedure specialists, tax accountants, etc. are available for consultation on topics such as resident status, legal issues, permanent residency, starting a business, taxes, pension, etc.
English and Chinese interpretation available. Telephone interpretation services are also available to support other languages.
Target Participant: Foreign nationals and their family/friends who lives in Sapporo or other cities in Hokkaido.
Capacity: First 15 applications
Application: Reservations are required. Please sign up from the application form.
10.15 Sun 

SICPF Programs

How Did You Do It? SENPAI Parents!
Sapporo International Communication Plaza (MN Bldg.3F, Kita 1 Nishi 3, Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Foreign SENPAI parents with different backgrounds and at various stages of childcare will share their experiences regarding pregnancy, childbirth preparation, application for daycare facilities, language learning for children, and so on.There will also be time for open interaction and individual consultation with professionals.
*This event will be held in English.
*SENPAI=Who has experienced something before you.
Fee:Free of charge
Target:Foreign residents and their families who live in Sapporo
Application:Please sign up from the Application Form.
Inquiries: Sapporo International Communication Plaza Foundation
TEL: 011(211)2105
E-mail: tabunka(at)plaza-sapporo.or.jp
*Please replace (at) with @ before you send an e-mail.
10.21 Sat 

SICPF Programs

Looking for participants for Disaster Prevention Day for Foreigners
Sapporo Citizens Disaster Prevention Center、Sapporo Shiseikan Primary School An event will be held for foreign nationals and their family to learn about disaster prevention. We will visit the Sapporo Citizens Disaster Prevention Center to experience earthquake simulation, fire extinguishing, and smoke evacuation simulation. After that, we will move to the gymnasium to experience an evacuation shelter and introduce how to use disaster prevention goods. We will also try yoga and stretching exercises that can be done at the evacuation center to prevent economy class syndrome.

★ Free of Charge!★
Please prepare your own lunch. 
Capacity/80 foreign nationals and their family/friends (first-come-first served)
10.28 Sat 

SICPF Programs

Elementary School Entrance Guidance for Foreign Parents and Children
Sapporo International Communication Plaza(MN Bldg.3F, Kita 1 Nishi 3, Chuo-ku, Sapporo) We will hold an elementary school admission information session for foreign national families whose children will be entering elementary school in Sapporo next year or later. We will talk about what elementary schools are like, the process of enrollment, what to prepare and so on.
After the explanation, there will be time for parents to exchange information with each other and for their children to have fun experience the school life. We hope you will join us.
Target Participant: Foreign national parents and children who will enter elementary school in Sapporo after 2024
Fee: Free
Application: Please apply through SICPF’s website.
Inquiries: Sapporo International Communication Plaza Foundation
TEL: 011(211)2105
E-mail: nihongo(at)plaza-sapporo.or.jp
*Please replace (at) with @ before you send us e-mail.
10.28 Sat 

SICPF Programs

Monthly Study Support for Children with International Backgrounds
Sapporo International Communication Plaza (Sapporo MN Bldg. 3F, Kita 1-jo Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku) Volunteers assist children from international backgrounds with their studies!
Please bring your homework or study materials you want to work on.
Fee/Free of charge
Target/Elementary school and junior high school students with international backgrounds
Reservations/Online registration is required for first-time participants. (online registration form)
Contact/Sapporo International Communication Plaza
TEL: 011-211-2105
Email: nihongo[at]plaza-sapporo.or.jp
*Please replace [at] with @ before you send us e-mail.